Events and More!

2nd Annual IndigenoUS Gala: Growing Home
April 10th, 2025
Date: April 10th, Thursday
Location: 1422 SW 11th Ave, Portland OR 97201 TOC-The Old Church
An evening that will include Indigenous Foods sourced from Indigenous Communities, Indigenous Entertainment, a Silent Auction, 50/50, Raffle and more!
Indigenous Marketplace Days Held
Number of Vendors Supported
Number of Market Attendees
Sponsorship Opportunities
If you are interested in sponsoring one of the events that the non profit Portland Indigenous Marketplace hosts please complete this form and staff will follow up with your business/group/organization/agency etc as soon as possible.
Wind– $500- Per day sponsorship includes social media acknowledgement of sponsorship. Sponsor can supply a sign to be displayed on day/s of the sponsorship.
Water– $1,000- Per day sponsorship includes logo display on printed and digital material about the event, social media acknowledgement of sponsorship with a post highlighting all sponsors of the events. Sponsor can supply a sign to be displayed on day/s of sponsorship.
Fire- $1,500-$5,000 (depending on the sponsors size and capacity) Indigenous Art in the Park Per day sponsorship includes table space sponsor on day/s of sponsorship. This package includes logo display on printed and digital material about the event, social media acknowledgement of sponsorship with a post highlighting all sponsors of the events. Sponsor can supply a sign to be displayed on day/s of sponsorship.
- One Time Projects
Link to Sponsorship Form Here: