Portland Indigenous Marketplace supports Indigenous artists and entrepreneurs by providing barrier-free, culturally respectful spaces that encourage cultural resilience and economic sustainability by promoting public education through cultural arts.
The 2nd Annaul IndigenoUS Gala
Theme: Growing Home
April 10th, 2025
Date: April 10th, Thursday
Location: 1422 SW 11th Ave, Portland OR 97201 TOC-The Old Church
An evening that will include Indigenous Foods sourced from Indigenous Communities, Indigenous Entertainment, a Silent Auction, 50/50, Raffle and more!
Unfortunately to vend at the Indigenous Marketplace vending events you must be an approved Indigenous Marketplace vendor.

The Artists/Entrepreneurs
A program specifically for Indigenous/Black Artists. At the Indigenous Marketplace events Vendors sell their hand made and original designs. The Indigenous Marketplace program is where this organization started.
We are grateful for all the support we receive from our greater community. Every person who visits and participates in the various events we hold are very valuable to us. Support this organization anytime with online donations.
Working to Strengthen our Indigenous Community and Culture
The goals of Portland Indigenous Marketplace are to sustain our cultures by creating/hosting supportive spaces for the community to explore art, creativity and culture.
If you are interested in being a Indigenous/Black artist/entrepreneur at our Indigenous Marketplace fill out the Vendor Application when you can. New Vendor applications are only processed in January 15th of every year.
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